Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin time!

We had a blast carving our pumpkin tonight! We bought pumpkins last year, but with a 5 month old we didn't end up carving them. BUT, this year we were back with it and had a blast.

He was quite adventurous and stuck his hand right in!

AND HATED IT! Notice the spread fingers in utter disgust! Yep, thats my son!

Eventually we were able to convince him to help us throw away the innards.

He really wanted to help carve.

The finished product. He was in awe of how it lit up!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Play-doh fun!

I was looking for something new to do with Santi this morning. Instead of going somewhere, I decided to bring out the play-doh for the first time. He LOVED it...just like every kid who has ever played with the stuff! And, he did exactly what every kid who has ever played with it does, stuck it right in his mouth! After deciding that it really doesn't taste that great he played and played and played. What a blast!

It is so fun watching him discover things for the first time. And its always a plus to see him sit in the little blue chair I had as a kid and play at the table I used for my dolls.