Well, I swore I would post another blog once I started getting sleep again. At two months Santi was sleeping 7 hours at a time, would wake up and eat, and then sleep again. I thought he just liked to sleep and really we were going to have an easy time of the whole "sleeping" thing. Was I ever wrong! This kid likes to eat! I mean seriously he eats more than I do. So with that said, he wakes up in the night to eat too! There has been one night in his entire life where he has slept through the night. ONE! And that apparently was a totally accident! That means I don't ever get to sleep through the night. For about 2 months he has been getting up twice a night, which let me say is MUCH better than three or four. But still, twice is not wonderful. The last five nights he has only gotten up once. It has been heavenly! I cant wait to get to the place where he sleeps all the way through, but once a night is so lovely I really cant complain. Last night was the best so far. He went to sleep at 7:30 and woke up at 4:30, then went back to sleep after eating until 7. Im praying that once he starts teething again he wont go back to the twice a night thing! Im still not sure how people do this more than once in their life!! I feel like I have added 15 years to my life in the last year.
Now that Im done complaining let me explain what a joy this last year has been. I have loved seeing Santi figure out the world around him. He is learning everything from scratch and its adorable to watch. What a sweet baby he is! Teething and not getting sleep have been horrible, but the rest of the time he is a jewel! He laughs and smiles all the time! He loves people! He will smile at pretty much anyone, yet he would prefer that his mama hold him or play with him at all times! Its crazy how one little person can change your life and bring you so much joy just by being!
Its so crazy to think that Santi has gone from this little baby who couldn't do anything! |
To this big baby who wants to do everything himself! |