Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oh the things you can do in a year



May 20: Born 9 days early
May 22: Came home

June 3: First babysitters
June 19: Baptism
June 29: First vacation

July 4: Slept through fireworks
July: Got Peruvian passport

August: Went to first Titans game
August 12: Rolled over

September 15: First airplane flight
September 19: First time at the beach

October 17: Ate cereal for the first time
October 29: October fest, dressed as a chicken

November 9: Drank from a sippy cup
November 25: Gramps 90th birthday
November: Started crawling
November 26: First trip to the zoo

December 1: Moved to a new house
December 19: Stood up
December 22: Waved bye

January 6: First teeth (two bottom)
January 15: Pulled up on the couch without any help
January 21: Ate chicken

February: Got top two teeth

March 14: Stood up in the middle of the room without help
March 21: Drank from a straw
March 25: Took 3 steps

April: Can say mama, dada, dandad (granddad), Nana, dog, no, daga (agua), banana, nigh nigh (night night)
April 7: Can walk all the way across the room
April 11: Roared like a lion

Monday, April 9, 2012

Walking and talking

I can't believe how many new things a little 10 month old can learn in one week. Santi stood up for the first time without holding on to anything and took his first steps all within a few days. Now just a week later he can walk all the way across the room. Of course crawling is much fast and easier, so that is still the preferred method, but I don't see it lasting much longer.

On top of walking Santi is now starting to talk more. Not only does he babble and copy everything we say, but he can for sure say a few words.


Dada (which is very weird to us. Nolan is going to be Papi, daddy is Spanish. We have never called him dada, but Santi calls him dada ALL the time.)

Nana (my mom)

Dog (he LOVES my parents dog)

Dandad (granddad, my dad)

Daga (agua)

No (not my favorite, but I guess he's got to learn it all)

Such a happy boy!
What joy this little man has brought into our lives in only a few short months! I can't wait to see him turn into the godly young man that he will hopefully be one day! One of the ways we hope to teach him about Christ is through the AMAZING catechism songs that Diana Batarseh wrote and recorded. I learned about the songs through Mustard Seed when I worked there. I always looked forward to teaching my own children. Just recently Diana finished the 3 cd project. Soooo, for Santi's birthday we ordered him a copy! I cant wait to get them and sing them with him. Now I just have to see if I can remember any of the sign language that goes with it!