How can I even begin to explain our trip? It was amazing and exhausting and wonderful and terrifying.
Nolan and I are so very blessed to have been able to go and visit his family for Christmas. Normally we make a yearly trip, but we didn't go last year because Santi was a baby. Santi was due to get his last hep shot at 18 months (November) so we decided to go to Peru as soon after that as we could.
December 21st we hopped on a jet plane with a very wiggly 1 year old. After a 2 hour flight to Houston then another 6 and a half our flight to Lima with about a 30 minute nap from Santi, he finally met his uncle Billy and granddad Alfonso in the airport. It was almost midnight by the time we arrived and Santi was red faced from all the crying, but thankfully he actually went to his granddad the second he held out his arms (its the little things). By the time we got all the way out to Nolan's grandmoms house (about an hour to an hour and a half taxi ride) Santi was passed out. We immediatly layed him down and then sat around a table talking with family. What a joy to see Nolan with his family again. Next thing I know Billy is yelling at me to go check on Santi. I freaked out thinking he was crying from having woken up, but to my surprise, nothing. Santi was sound asleep. I walked back in and said he was fine. And that is when they told me there had been an earthquake. I didn't even feel it! Hahaha! It was not very strong in Lima, although it apparently was a lot stronger in the jungle where Nolans mother lives. Soemtime around 2:30 AM we finally all went to bed.

The next several days were spent playing futbol, throwing the American football, or meeting up with some Aunt or Uncle or cousin or grandparent.

I have always heard of the amazing Christmas Eve celebrations that they have in Peru, but had never seen it first hand. OH MY, I saw it first hand this year. All the kids go to bed early (unless you have a 1 year old and no crib who only EVER went to bed when he could no longer keep his eyes open, noramally around 11:30) then everyone dresses up around 11 and starts getting ready for the fireworks. At 12 AM on the dot the entire world starts shooting off fireworks. And Im not talking about the fireworks we buy here for the 4th of July. Im talking bomb fireworks, the kind that blow off limbs! It was amazing and beautiful and terrifying to look in all directions and see fireworks. The crazy part of it all is that the fireworks lasted for over an hour. It was insane to look across the street and see little 3 and 4 year olds shooting off hard core fireworks. Just insane. Once we had shot off our fireworks we went inside for the huge Christmas feast! We had the most amazing turkey alongside many other amazing dishes. We obviously drank Inca Kola and ate Panatone!

The day after Christmas we went to see Nolan's mom in Moyobamba. We flew into Tarapoto and drove another 2 hours on the most dangerous, twisty, curvey road up into the mountainous jungle. The weather was utterly amazing. We were thinking it was going to be so hot, but since its up in the mountains it was in the 70s and 80s the whole time. Perfect weather!!! And we didn't see mosquitos! I can not even begin to describe the taste of the fresh fruits we ate while in Moyobamba. We ate bananas, pineapple, mangos....the list goes on. It was amazing! In the jungle most people have motorcycles, even all the taxis are moto-taxis. So the sound in the jungle is the constant sound of millions and millions of motorcycles! It was such a fun time with Nolan's mom and her side of the family.
When we got back to Lima Nolans sister had just flown in to visit from Cusco with her two kids. We went to the beach and the zoo with both of Nolan's siblings and kids. We all had a blast, including Santi.

I have to say, the hardest part of the trip was having a 1 year old without all of his normalcies! We did not have a carseat, which may sound nice, but only for a minute. A 1 year old doesn't want to sit still, so if he isn't strapped down it just isn't good. We didn't have a highchair. Also doesn't work very well. Santi is a great eater, but if he can get down from his chair and pick up his ball, then he is going to. We didn't have a bathtub either. Plus we couldn't use the shower water for Santi anyway because he might drink it or even just get a little in his mouth. So EVER SINGLE night we boiled water waited an hour or so for it to cool, but not get too cold and basically sponge bathed Santi. Not his favorite thing in the world! Worst of all, we didn't have a crib. Santi is a really great sleeper at home. We lay him down around 8 PM and he never fusses. He just quietly plays for a minute or two and passes out until 7:30 or so in the morning. Yeah, the EARLIEST he went to bed in Peru was 10:30, but most nights it was more like 11:30 or 12 with lots and lots of crying. OH, and guess who got to sleep in the same bed? Yeah, me AND Nolan. Lets just say, feet in the face!

The best things of being in Peru were getting to introduce Santi to everyone. Nolan's whole family got to meet Santi and kiss him and play with him. It was wonderful for them, but also for us. We got to see how much Spanish Santi actually knows. We speak mainly Spanish at home with Santi, but it was insane to see him interact with his family there. He really doesn't say many words still, but he says yes and no to things and can go and do whatever you say. He understood everyone! That made me so happy! His family was shocked by how much he could understand! That made us feel so good! Eating Peruvian food, thats allways one of the best things about the trip.
And that was our 2 week trip to Peru in a nut shell. Food, family, and fun.