Monday, January 14, 2013

These days

Only a few short years ago my life was VERY different! Getting a pedicure with my best friend, going to get a mocha frapachino, going to the zoo, or a Titans game brought me such joy. Ok, well those things still bring me joy, but not as much as a little boy discovering a batman cape!

I told him you have to run really fast when you are a super hero!

He took me very seriously!

He loves Batman!!!

What would be a picture of Santi without his beloved futbol!?
I bought Santi his batman pj's (with detachable cape) on sale at Target when he was about 6 months old. I thought he would NEVER fit into the massively huge 2T's. Santi has been wearing 2T's for a while now and just this week I rediscovered the amazing pj's. And now I have new joy in my life!

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