Thursday, February 7, 2013

Clase de Español

I have had so much more fun teaching Spanish than I ever thought possible! I have wonderful students and have had a blast teaching something I love so much! BUT, ever since the begining of this semester my students have become lazy. They do not read the directions on homework or tests. I have told them over and over and over that they need to follow the directions. Often times questions on a test are two part; conjugate the verb AND translate. I even capitalized and on the tests and the kids still often times missed it. So desperate times call for desperate measures. Today I gave my students my favorite test ever! I had a blast giving it!! AND I think I got my point across finally!! Would you have gotten a 100 or a 0 on this test?



1. No es un examen. Dame (dar me) tu papel* (*paper) con tu nombre y la fecha y sientate* (tu sentar…*sit) en tu silla. No respondes a las otras* (other) preguntas.

2. Escribir tres preguntas de “la hora” y responder:

3. Escribir tu nombre en Ingles y Español:

4. Responder y traducir:

¿Que hora es?

¿A que hora comes en la mañana?

5. Para que ustedes aprenden que tienen que leer todas las direcciones, estoy hacienda este examen. La verdad es que no tienen que hacer nada. Quiero ver quien lee todo y ralamente esta dando atenccion a lo que escribo.

¡Si solo escribes tu nombre y la fecha y despues me das tu papel te voy a dar cien puntos, pero si respondes a las preguntas no pasas! ¡Buena suerte!

6. ¿Donde esta tu nariz?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Think about it chair

So we have finally taken the plunge and started a "think about it chair". 99.9% of the time time is spent in the chair because Santi has grabbed the ipod off the dock. He LOVES electronics. Honestly if thats the worst he does then we are in good shape. But, he is still disobeying. So we have little talks while he sits in the chair with his hands folded. There is only one problem. He is TOO cute when he sits in the chair and folds his hands. All Nolan and I want to do when he folds his hands so adorably is laugh and cuddle him.

The other day Santi was being entirely too quiet in the livingroom while I was in the kitchen. So I walked into the livingroom to find Santi playing with the ipod. I took it from him, but wasn't in the mood to go through the whole process of the chair. Much to my surprise he walked over to the chair and folded his hands without me saying anything. After only a very few days he knew exactly what to do. Bless him and his sweet little heart.

Here is a picture of the "think about it chair". He was in fact sitting in the chair because of the ipod, but the reason I really HAD to take the picture was because he had gotten into my mascara a few minutes before and I hadn't washed it off yet. Notice he put it all around his eye...meaning he knew exactly what to do with it he just didn't have good aim! Hahahaa! Mascara and folded hands...ahhhh....edible!