Santi's newest thing is grabbing faces. He loves laying on the floor with you sitting over him letting him grab your face. He literally screams with excitement. He will grab my ears, nose, and mouth as long as I will let him. He sits there and makes goo goo sounds and then bursts out with the highest pitched scream-laugh you have ever heard. The first time he screamed I thought something was wrong then I realized he was laughing.
It is so fun to see his little mind working. Everything seems to be a progression. To think, just 17 weeks ago Santi hadn't even taken his first breath and now he is doing so much! Santi smiled from week one, then he moved on to laughing, now scream-laughing. He went from accidentally hitting his toys to intentionally playing with them to grabbing them and trying to stick them in his mouth. Now he grabs my face and hair (pony tails and stud earrings are a must).This morning he started lifting up his legs and hitting his toys with his feet. He went from just recently starting to suck him thumb when he was hungry to sucking his thumb just for fun. Now he likes to suck his thumb with his blanket, burp cloth, or my shirt in his mouth as well. He went from rolling over from his stomach to back at 12 weeks, then back to stomach at 13 weeks. Now he is really wanting to sit up, or is it me that wants him to sit up? Haha! I think its a little of both. He at least likes me to pull him up to the sitting position. He will sit there for minutes swaying back and forth while I hold his hands for support, it is really surprising how little support he needs though.
This morning I looked over while eating my breakfast and Santi was on his stomach with one of his toys about 2 inches out of reach. He kicked and kicked his legs trying to figure out how to get closer, sadly to no avail. Is crawling or scooting in our near future? I am actually not excited about crawling. Walking, yes, crawling, no. I feel like he sticks his hands in his mouth to much for me to be happy with him crawling. I am not a clean freak, I wish I were. I sweep the floor once a week, clean my bathroom probably once every two weeks (eww thats kinda gross), and I have no idea when the last time I dusted. When it comes to my baby I feel as though I am a little different. I want him to get natural immunities and I think its important to let him run outside barefoot and eat dirt when he is a little older, but considering he isn't allowed to have almost any medicines yet I am a little more cautious. I try not to be that crazy mom who wont let anyone touch their baby though. I took Santi out in public the first week. I will let pretty much anyone hold him, but I just have this thing about the floor. We live about 500 feet from a very busy street and have wood floors. I have never in my life seen such dirty dusty floors. It must be from the street! I am convinced. I can sweep the floors and 2 hours later all I can see is dirt and dust. It drives me crazy, not crazy enough to sweep everyday, but pretty crazy!
I guess we will see which comes first, crawling or sitting up...
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