A little boy with his favorite people in the world! |
This is what Santi now does, enjoys, hates, and has!
-8 teeth
-Loves shoes
-My grandparents bought him the book "The wheels on the bus" and he wants it sung to him no less than 30 times a day. At least he dances while we sing/read it to him.
-He must have a banana within 5 minutes of getting up each day. "Banana, banana, banana, banana...
-Loves water whether its in the pool or bath. He thinks getting splashed in the face is funny. |
-Thankfully not a picky eater
-Understands everything in Español and English.
-Waves at anyone and everyone.
-Cutest saying- said with arms out to the side "don sta?" (donde esta, where is it?) |
-Loves the beat of reggeaton-best dance music ever!
-Takes 2 naps a day. Goes right down, normally without a peep.
-When I say rude he shakes his pointer finger like you would saying no no.
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-Loves his stuffed llama Señor llamita
-Loves bringing me the dish towel!
-He enjoys reading more than playing with blocks (he goes through stages where he plays with one thing more than the other).
-Thinks "this little piggy" is funny!
-Loves all electronics.
-Still calls Papi "da da" |
-Convinced he is speaking and has whole conversations and expects me to respond having understood everything he just said.
-At nap time I ask him if he is ready to go night night and he replies with "nigh nigh".
-Loves every kind of animal and screams and pulls their hair from pure excitement. Not all animals actually like that surprisingly enough. |
-Hardly ever scared of anything. Actually loves being startled. We jump out from behind a corner and he jumps and then laughs and runs away so you will chase him and then hide again.
-When Papi "da da" gets home from work the world is a happier place.
-Dances all the time. His dance includes bouncing and sometimes adding hand and arm movements. Every once in a while he will do a little spin move.
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-Started cuddling at 12 months, hated it before. Now hugs and kisses all the time. |
-Goes and stands next to the ipod and points if the musica isn't on. He does this at home and at Nana and Granddads.
-The one song in English he ALWAYS dances to, whether we are in the car, in a store, or at a restaurant, is "sexy and I know it". How embarrassing. Don't judge!
-Loves it when a team scores a ggggoooooooaaaallllll!
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-Buenas Noches Luna is his favorite book to look through alone. |
-Doesn't like it when we brush his teeth.
-Sneezing is hilarious, whether he is the sneezer or someone else.
-Toots are funny. Oh joy!
-The second I start making food he realizes he is starving to death and will probably die before I finish!
-Major thumb sucker |
-Says "da" for yeah.
-Sometimes says no when he means yes.
-Feels super cool when he walks backwards.
-Everything is a phone! His hand, a remote, toy, ball, ANYTHING!
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