Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Oh the faces

Santi may not be able to vocalize a whole lot yet, but man can he get his point across with facial expression. Every once in a while he can be shy, but most of the time he wants to be the center of attention. He has noticed that when he makes silly faces people laugh. And when people laugh he gets attention. Thus, millions of silly faces...on command! Each of these are from this morning.

He now make the "stink eye" on command. And yes, he does this when I say "stink eye"!

Also he does "the face" on command. That always gets a laugh. I thought the lady at the bank
was going to fall out of her chair the other day when he did it for her.

This is the "smile for the camera" face. And yes, he ALWAYS does this one with his eyes closed.

An accidental real smile!


Who you lookin at!"

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