Friday, August 17, 2012

It's what we do

It's official. My baby has a personality. And it's cute and funny and always looking for attention. He is no longer the tiny little baby laying on the floor not being able to move or do anything for that matter. How did that happen? Just yesterday I didn't know what to do with him in the hour or so he was awake at a time.

Now he runs around the house jumping off anything and everything. 

He takes blocks and other assorted weapons and hits them on every object to see what sound they will make. I say weapons because anything he carries he at least thinks about throwing. We are working on that! Cars hurt when they hit you in the face though. Just sayin'!

Santi will do anything to get attention. He will wave at total strangers. He flirts with everyone.

He runs around the house screaming "gggooooooooaaaaaaallll!!!!!!!!!" The Latino in him is coming out!

He makes all sorts of faces and noises. Auntie Bri says one of the sounds he makes sounds like a guinea pig.

He loves cars! He almost always has at least one car in a hand.

All food and drink is "banana".

He is a very good nap taker and for that I will always be thankful!

He loves being startled! 

He "barks" like a dog and "meows" like a cat.
I gave him a puzzle and within 2 days he learned how to put each piece in without any help!
This is how Papi is treated on his lunch break!
He hates goodbyes, especially if Papi is the one leaving!

He is exhausting, but the greatest thing that has ever happened to us!!

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