Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Many faces

Santi likes to make faces. About once a week he discovers a new face. The last 2 have been my favorite. This kid makes me laugh sooooo hard!

A couple days before Jesse left Santi started making this face. He got a ton of laughs
so he did it over and over and over and....

Then it turned into a little more like this...

Finally it capped off into this. His cousins would say "Santi do your face" and he
would do this. I think they asked him to do it a little too much and he
got sick of it because he wont do it anymore!

This week he has started his new face. He looks mad, but isn't at all. He scrunches his
nose and sniffs in and out. Not only does it make a cool sound, but he is
proud of himself because he can scrunch his nose.

He does it over and over and over and....

It cracks me up because he looks mad!! Hahaha! He does this in stores and
I know everyone thinks he is a little brat, but I don't care!! I love it!!

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