Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fluke? I sure hope not!

Will I ever know what I am doing? When I finally figure something out and feel good about it everything changes the next day. The only sure things in life these days are that the diaper is dirty, the drool is going to get everywhere, and he will be hungry soon...very soon. I think someday the learning curve will slow down a little bit. I think so anyway. Maybe he wont change everything in life every day, maybe it will be every other day eventually. Bless his little heart. I love that rolly pudgy squishy baby!

I tried something new last night and it seemed to have worked, but like I said before it will probably be different today. I was reading on how to have a happy sleeping baby and it said that most people keep their babies up later than they should. Nolan and I try and keep Santi up every night a little later than he would like so he will sleep more. What I read basically said I was doing the exact wrong thing. Oh great!!! At 2 months Santi was sleeping 7 hours, then he hit his 3 month growth spurt and ever since then has been sleeping more like 2-3 hours (TORTURE for me)! So last night we planned on putting him to bed earlier than normal. We were going to give him a bath at 8 instead of 8:30PM. Well he was done by 7 PM. All he wanted to do was go to bed. So we gave him a bath really early, fed him, and put him to bed before 8. I thought for sure it was going to be a horrible night, or at least morning...ready to go at 5AM or something. No, what I read may have been right. Santi slept for 4 1/2 hours twice, which means I only got up twice. Oh happy day! Was it a fluke? Not sure, but willing to try it again tonight.

Oh how he loves his thumb!

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