Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Many faces

Santi likes to make faces. About once a week he discovers a new face. The last 2 have been my favorite. This kid makes me laugh sooooo hard!

A couple days before Jesse left Santi started making this face. He got a ton of laughs
so he did it over and over and over and....

Then it turned into a little more like this...

Finally it capped off into this. His cousins would say "Santi do your face" and he
would do this. I think they asked him to do it a little too much and he
got sick of it because he wont do it anymore!

This week he has started his new face. He looks mad, but isn't at all. He scrunches his
nose and sniffs in and out. Not only does it make a cool sound, but he is
proud of himself because he can scrunch his nose.

He does it over and over and over and....

It cracks me up because he looks mad!! Hahaha! He does this in stores and
I know everyone thinks he is a little brat, but I don't care!! I love it!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

A day in the life

Today has been a fun day. First Santi got up extra early, just because. But since he got up so early he took a never before heard of TWO AND A HALF hour nap. I actually had to wake him up to go have lunch with Nana and Uncle Jesse. Then when we got home Nana came to play for a little bit. Then to make things even better Papi came home for lunch. Then right as Nana was leaving our much anticipated package arrived. It was about an hours worth of fun and it doesn't even have wheels yet. Oh to be a kid again!

Precious little sleepy toes.

He was so tired he didn't even wake up with me taking his picture, with the flash, right in his face!! This was 2.5 hours in!

Don't even need wheels to make this thing fun!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Reader

Where there is a little Santi there is almost always a book. I love it!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The couch

Santi has been able to get up on the couch for about 2 months now. Thankfully he hasn't been interested unless someone else is up there, until today. He discovered he could get up all on his own, and bounce, and jump off. Yeah, jump off. He has been jumping off the fireplace for a while (its about 8 inches up) and I think in his little head he thought it would be about the same. Yeah, not so much. He jumped off (thankfully I was only about a foot away) and landed on his feet, but it scared him to peices. It was a MUCH further distance than he had calculated. He cried for about 3 seconds and hoped right back up. Are you serious? What is it with boys? He wasn't about to let that little scare keep him down, literally. I then showed him how to sit down and scoot off. He thought that was fun, so he was up and down, on and off the couch for about 20 minutes. All of that time I was having a heart attack waiting for him to break a leg or his face. I know better than to not let him do it at all because he will then just do it while Im not looking. Its not like I can take the whole couch away, so its going to happen whether I want it to or not. Better that I actually be there and able to catch him or rush him to the doc if need be. By this whole fun event I have decided that children are not good for blood pressure. But man oh man did he have fun!

When he first re-realized he could get on the couch he was very calm and happily brought a book along.

Looking at cars and probably hoping Papi would come home soon!

Deciding his jumping method.

Post 500 jump/scoots. All that fun was very exhausting!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Camera

Soooo.....I got a new camera! I really didn't need to be spending the money, but its the camera I have wanted for years and years and years. I never felt like I could just spend that much money on something I really didn't need, but when a friend was trading up and needed to sell her nearly new, spotless, perfect, beautiful Canon Rebel XS EOS Nolan and I just couldn't contain ourselves. Plus she needed the money to go on a missions trip, so that helped! Haha! Anyway, I normally take way too many pics of Santi throughout the day, but now.....oh my!! Im having waaaaaaaaayyyy too much fun! Nolan even joined in!

Our new toy. I love her and think I shall name her. Ideas?

I utterly HATE peanut butter, but I know the majority of the world loves it. So I try and be
 a good mother and let Santi enjoy even though it is so sticky and his breath smells
like it for the rest of the day. How could I not give it to him? Look how happy he is!

Apparently I was taking too many pictures. This is his finger shake that he
 does when someone is being "rude"!

Nolan joined in on the camera fun last night!

He got this amazing picture of the babe! Look at those eyes!

He loves to "jump" off (I would call it walking off) the fireplace.
This is pre-jump.


All our days include hours of staring at books! Love it!

I told him we were going to go see Nana when he got up from
his nap. He immediately ran to get his shoes.

He tried and tried to put them on himself. I had to break the news
that it wasn't time to go yet.

Now the question is...how many pictures will I take today??