Friday, September 28, 2012

For Nana & Danddad

My parents have been on a MUCH needed sabbatical for the month of September. Santi and I were lucky enough to be able to go visit them with some free sky miles we had. But heres the thing.  A month is too long! They need to COME HOME ALREADY! The one thing I can think of to temp them with is a little pants named Santi. So, mom, dad, eat your hearts out!

Santi now moo's like a vaca (cow)
neighs like a caballo (horse)
says bom bom bom for bombero (fire truck)
says bird
points to batman
wears batman rain boots with just a shirt and diaper
wears cowboy boots with shorts
And is adorable....and yall are missing it!

Come home!!!

Cheesy smile, batman boots, diaper, school bus puzzle piece, check, check, check, and check!

Gotta smile for the camera!

I LOVE his leg rolls!

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