Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rain and giant puddles

Yesterday was the day I had been waiting for ever since Santi got his batman rain boots. It rained and rained and rained. I watched as the puddles got bigger and bigger and bigger. I kept waiting for it to stop raining so we could put on our rain boots and stomp. It never happened. So I did what any mom would do who wants to get out of the house. We put on our rain coats, boots, and hats and went to the park in the rain and stomped in puddles. Well, maybe not what any mom would do. We were the only people there, but man did we have a blast. You know the little man had fun because I had to dump water out of his boots and strip off his pants before getting back in the car.


He was still pretty dry here, so it had to be near the beginning.

Starting to get the hang of it!

We got so much energy out running back and forth and back and forth!!!

That face says it all!

Mama and baby boots.

Back home. The boots are still drying out!

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